Collective Name(s): Canidae // Chara
Collective Pronouns: They/Them
Body age: 18
Collective Theriotypes: Canines (wolves, dogs, etc), mostly wolves

We are diagnosed with ADHD, anxiety, and depression and probably also have autism and potentially a personality disorder. We also experience delusions/halucinations. So please bare that in mind when talking/interacting with us! Don't be afraid to tell us you're boundaries or correct us on things in fact we ENCOURAGE it!
We are an atrium, adaptive, (self dxed/potential) DID, Extranthaeic, traumagenic system and are very fictive heavy. We do not share any triggers (positive or negative) online as we do not want them being used against us. We are pro-endo and try to stay out of heavy syscourse.

Don't expect introjects to be like sourcePlease ask us questions if you dont understand something, we are happy to answer! If we don't want to answer, then we will delete asks and/or not respond at all :3Kintypes =/= alters, some of us are otherkin and experience kinshifts though this is different from switching for us

If you think being otherkin/therian or a furry or identifying as transspecies automatically makes someone a zoophile do not talk to us

We are active in the otherkind/therian community, do no make fun of thatSome of us do not like human terms being used for us, respect that when applicable.Do not post this carrd to r/fakedisorderscringe or r/systemscringeDon't forcefully involve us in ANY discourse.

This carrd is ALWAYS the most updated and is accurate system-wide